17 June 2020

June 2020

With the COVID-19 restrictions still in force, the club’s monthly competition evening was again held via Zoom’s online meeting room with 29 people and the guest judge participating.

About the judge

The guest judge this month is Seng Mah, owner and lead instructor at Venture Photography Workshops and Tours. He has a rich background in teaching and mentoring, having taught in schools, universities and designed courses for educational institutions.
In Venture Photography Workshops, he combines his love of photography and teaching into a job that’s rewarding for him and great for photographers wanting to learn from someone who is an experienced educator. Seng enjoys traveling, so much so that he now takes photographers on tours so that he can share his love of these destinations with other like-minded people.

He is also involved in many community-based photography projects and events — including FotoFreo, CanTeen, Propel Youth Arts, and is a regular judge at photography exhibitions and competitions.
Seng is a committee member of the West Australian Photographic Judges Association (WAPJA) and was on the organising committee for the Fremantle International Portrait Prize 2017. He is also an award-winning photographer and an accredited professional photographer with the Australian Institute of Professional Photographers (AIPP).

Open colour

Open monochrome

Monochrome means just one colour, typically seen as being B&W or grey-scale. But it can be depicted by using shades of another colour, e.g. brown (sepia). By picking different shades of the same colour, you can highlight different areas of your photographs. Monochromatic photography is a great technique to isolate individual colours and make them really stand out.

Purveyors of fine photography since 1967